3 Murals Half Way Around The World
Spring of 2018, my son Duke and I traveled to the Western Cape of South Africa to participate in a global art project to help the small town of Melkhoutfontein affected by the vestiges of apartheid. Working through Dreamcatcher Foundation South Africa, our goal was to use the common language of art and Duke's sport of parkour to connect with people of the village and join them in their effort to develop economic opportunities through tourism. The mural project now includes over 15 works on homes and public spaces. Each of the murals depicts a story from a significant point in history about the people of Melkhoutfontein. Painted by artists from around the globe, the murals enhance the town’s vibrant awakening and opportunities to provide an enriching rural stay experience for travelers looking for authenticity. Duke's first painting ever was the mural he created with the input and approval of residents of the house he worked on. And, he had a parade of kids following him wherever he went, begging a parkour stunt.