NIGHT LIFE- 54x36, Acrylic on canvas, $3900

NIGHT LIFE- 54x36, Acrylic on canvas, $3900

Night time scenery in the desert. Available at V Gallery, Omena, Michigan.

BACK SEAT STORY- 54x54, Acrylic on canvas, $4500

BACK SEAT STORY- 54x54, Acrylic on canvas, $4500

RANCH AT ABIQUIÚ- 42x54, Acrylic on canvas, $3750

RANCH AT ABIQUIÚ- 42x54, Acrylic on canvas, $3750

cacti and brush before a farm fence. Mountains in the distance.

SNOWY DESCENT- 36x36, Acrylic on linen, $2125.

SNOWY DESCENT- 36x36, Acrylic on linen, $2125.

FARM STAND— 44x32, Acrylic on canvas, $2375

FARM STAND— 44x32, Acrylic on canvas, $2375

A market scene out west

Out West- 23x54, Acrylic on canvas, $2000

Out West- 23x54, Acrylic on canvas, $2000

Cloudy skies along a dirt road NM, USA

SANTA FE KAMBUCHA - 31 x 44 x 1.5, , Acrylic on linen, $2250

SANTA FE KAMBUCHA - 31 x 44 x 1.5, , Acrylic on linen, $2250

Available at V Gallery, Omena, Michigan.

TICKELED IN ABIQUIÚ, 35x53, acrylic on canvas. $3125

TICKELED IN ABIQUIÚ, 35x53, acrylic on canvas. $3125

STUDIO WINDOW- 11x14, Acrylic on paper, $281

STUDIO WINDOW- 11x14, Acrylic on paper, $281

A wash of colors at the base of New Mexico’s mountains.

ROAD TO ABIQUIÚ 3,  11x14, Acrylic on paper, $281.

ROAD TO ABIQUIÚ 3, 11x14, Acrylic on paper, $281.

Vibrant colors popping from the landscape out west.

ROAD TO ABIQUIÚ 2 - 11x14, acrylic on paper, $281.

ROAD TO ABIQUIÚ 2 - 11x14, acrylic on paper, $281.

Rusty canyons and the outline of Mountains in the distance.

ROAD TO ABIQUIÚ 1- 11x14, Acrylic on paper. $281

ROAD TO ABIQUIÚ 1- 11x14, Acrylic on paper. $281

Orange spires of rock ascend from the deseert grass.

HIKE IN SANTA FE - 28 x 28 x 1.5, acrylic on canvas, SOLD.

HIKE IN SANTA FE - 28 x 28 x 1.5, acrylic on canvas, SOLD.

Snowy Cacti overlooking desert. Available at V Gallery, Omena, Michigan.